Dear all, Jai Srimannarayana! There are several means to give and share. Bhu:da:nam (giving away land), Go:da:nam (giving away a cow), Kanya:da:nam(giving away a girl to a family), and many more. But the act of giving/sharing good knowledge is beyond any of these means. A good word can go miles togetherin helping frame our mind-set to deal with challenges of today’s world. Not only do they support your current lifestyle in a flawless way, but also each one of such good words from a pious scholar can lead us one step closer to the ultimate bliss. Hundreds of such enriching words and knowledge put together in a beautifully designed set of pages called, BhakthiNivedana is waiting to give all of you the experience that lakhs of people are already treasuring. To top it all, our beloved acharya, one who has mastered the art of ‘giving’ is the core reviewer of all the thought out work and articles of the magazine. The scholars that contribute to the making of the magazine are experts in various sects of Vedic literature, many walks of life, several erudite practitioners and great devotees. The articles and topics that are covered include but not limited tothe history of a:lwa:rs (blessed souls who are inseparable from Lord either by thought and/or by action), proven principles of leading Vedic way of life, question and answers, moral education, updates from several service wings and more… The beautiful pictures,artwork and stories make the magazine eye-catching for your children too. Interesting articles and columns on experiences make the magazine a powerful tool in addressing many of our spiritual, physical and emotional needs. A few pages are especially dedicated to treat ailments through Homeopathy, Accupressure and Ayurvedam from the top-tier doctors such as Sri Pavuluri Krishna Chowdary! One stop power house for one and all rests in the content of each page of the magazine. Subscribe now, and let us know how you feel. We value your inputs and are working towards sharing Vedic knowledge in the most accessible way, right at the step your home! Subscribe now!
Monthly Magazine – A Constant companion in your spiritual journey.
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