Net Banking Details
Account Name : | JIVA |
Bank | Union Bank Of India |
Account No | 209710100004191 |
Account Type | Savings |
Branch | JIVA Campus Branch |
IFSC Code | UBIN0820971 |
Send cheque by mail
In favor of ‘JIVA’
✿ Those who sponsor Rs.1000/- can have their Gothra Namas chanted in the daily Archana to the Lord for one year.
✿ Homas are conducted on special occassions.
✿ Sudarsana homas, Ayushu homas are on request. For details contact office.
✿ You can donate in cash or kind for annadanam – food donations.
✿ Asram’s Wishlist – geysers, construction of more rooms, infrastructure, groceries for cooking.
✿Those who donate Rs.6000/- on behalf of their dear ones on special days such as birthdays, marriage anniversaries etc or in the name of their departed elders, can have Tadeeyaradhana conducted on that particular day