Bellana sita Lakshmi
Nethra Vidyalaya students believed that blindness is no reason to slow down. They believed that loss of sight doesn’t mean losing sight of goals.
Nethra Vidyalaya students bagged 32 medals in the national IBSA sports meet last year, December 2018.
This hard work and self-reliance put them in the grounds of international games. Based on their performance in state and national level, seven para athletes from Nethra Vidyalaya are chosen to represent India in the upcoming 3rd ATTF International Para Games 2019 to be held in Colombo, Srilanka on 17th and 18th of April 2019.
Each participant must bear Rs. 43,000/- to participate in the games. Do you want to be support a student? Do you and your friends want to contribute together for supporting a student? An opportunity for you give back to the community, don’t miss!